Lifting of precautionary boil-water advisory - Duhamel Area

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Lifting of precautionary boil-water advisory - Avenue Forest

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The Ecocentre in Pincourt is part of the ecocenter network of the MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges. This infrastructure offers an additional service to the collections already offered.

Écocentre of Pincourt
750, Olympique Blvd., Pincourt
Tel.: 450 455-5434

  • Address and pricing


    Less than 12 m3/year: Free
    Over 12 m3/year: $25 extra for every additional cubic metre
    (cash only)

  • Procedure
    1. Before leaving home, sort your materials into three categories: wood, construction materials and excavation materials.
    2. Go to the entrance. On arriving, present your photo ID and proof of residence to the attendant. He or she will assess the volume (m3) of your materials and enter the data in the Ecocentre’s computer management system. If applicable, he or she will ask for payment (cash). Before opening the barrier, the attendant will tell you where to leave your materials.
    3. Once you’ve arrived at the station in question, slowly back up your vehicle to the speed bump to unload your waste into the container.
    4. Head to the exit on Cardinal-Léger Boulevard. Advance until you are about three feet from the sliding door, which is equipped with a sensor. It will open automatically.
  • Accepted materials

    List of accepted materials

    • Light bulbs, fluorescents and compact fluorescents
    • Asphalt, concrete, cement…
    • Other large items (carpets, pool covers…)
    • Other construction materials (ceramic, porcelain, melamine…)
    • Wood, treated wood, plywood, wooden furniture…
    • Bricks
    • Drywall, plaster, fibro cement, baked clay
    • Mattresses and box springs
    • Insulating materials
    • Furniture
    • Paints and their containers (primers, stains, varnishes)
    • Batteries and batteries weighing less than 5 kg
    • Plastic 6, polystyrene, styrofoam *New in 2021
    • Hard plastic, fibreglass, vinyl, acrylic
    • Styrofoam insulation
    • Flat glass (mirrors, windows…)
  • Tricycle: Sorting Tool

    Tricycle is a tool developed by the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges which is part of the CYCLE of reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of residual materials.

    Tricycle is an intelligent and easy-to-use tool that allows all citizens of the MRC to manage their residual materials responsibly.

    Depending on the material you need to dispose of and your place of residence, Tricycle will show you on a map or in a list all possible disposal locations, including the various collection services in your municipality

    Try it!


    citoyen_environnement_logotricycle.png (55 KB)

  • Schedule

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