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Summer jobs 2024

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Civil Security

Civil Security encompasses all actions and means implemented at all levels of society to identify risks, prevent disasters, limit their harmful consequences on the population, property, and the environment, and promote a return to normal life.

In Quebec, civil security relies on a sharing of responsibilities among citizens, businesses, municipalities, and the government of Quebec.

The Town of Pincourt has an Intermunicipal Agreement with the municipalities of Pointe-Fortune and Très-St-Rédempteur: PDF

iconographie-SC-AVIS.png (6 KB) Getting ready: what to do

iconographie-SC-CANICULE.png (8 KB) Extreme Heat

iconographie-SC-EAU.png (6 KB) Spring Flooding

iconographie-SC-PANNE.png (5 KB) Power Outage

iconographie-SC-AUTOMATE-appels-urgence-13.png (8 KB)  Automated system (OmniAlert)

iconographie-SC-CONFINEMENT.png (6 KB) Alert Siren (Lockdown)