Notice - New branch collection method

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VOILÀ! Signalement

VOILÀ! SIGNALEMENT. A free mobile app to report a non-urgent problem to the Town.

Logo-Voila-Signalement.png (12 KB)

Thanks to Voilà! Signalement, you can now report a non-urgent problem to the Town via your phone or tablet.

This app is another way to communicate with the Town of Pincourt and create proximity between residents and the municipal administration. 

If you do not have access to a phone or tablet, you can make a report HERE.

Download the app for free with:

app-GooglePlay.png (6 KB) APPLE-app.png (7 KB)
Your report, our commitment
  • How to make a report?

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    If you want to make a report, here's how it works:

    First, open the app, then click on + New request.

    3 easy steps:

    Step 1 - Select the Town of Pincourt, then attach a photo of the problem you have seen (if applicable).

    Step 2 - Choose the nature of your request from the choices provided.

    Step 3 - Locate the problem (if applicable) and write a short description of your request. Then press Send.