RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - Special surplus collection extended

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Library Rules

Here’s everything you need to know about how the Pincourt Library operates.

  • Membership

    Residents: free (with proof of residence)

    Children: $60
    Family or adults: $90

    Membership must be renewed every year. An adult’s or guardian’s signature is required for individuals under age 14.

    You are responsible for any borrowed documents, saved on your subscription card. If you lose your card or if it has been stolen, notify the library immediately.

  • Internet access

    To use the Internet, you must be a Library member and present your membership card to the circulation desk attendant. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

    Computers are primarily for research. Library staff reserve the right to withdraw access to the computer without notice.

  • Environment

    The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

    To return books, CDs or DVDs outside business hours, use the book drop.

  • Loans, renewals and reservations


    To borrow or renew a book, you must present your membership card.

    You can also reserve and renew online.

    You can take out up to 10 documents at a time, for a three-week period

    To avoid late fees, pay close attention to your due dates.

    The Library is not responsible for the choice of documents borrowed by members under age 14.


    You may renew a book up to three consecutive times, unless it is reserved by another member.



    Books may be reserved if unavailable. Once the books are returned, we will call you and you have three days to claim them.

    Purchase suggestions

    If you wish to make a suggestion regarding specific documents for the Library to purchase or an inter-library loan, please fill out the form available at the circulation desk.

  • Lost or damaged books

    You must pay the cost of repairing or replacing lost or damaged books. If a lost document is subsequently found, you have 30 days to obtain a refund.

    When a document is damaged, do not try to repair it yourself. Instead, bring it directly to the circulation desk.

  • Price list



    Late fee

    Document for adults


    Document for children


    Membership card replacement


    Destroyed or removed barcode


    Damaged case




    Various repairs

    $2 or more

    Photocopies and print-out (black and white)


    Photocopies and print-out (colors)


    *If you have any unpaid fees, we reserve the right to refuse access to Library services.

    ** If you have any unpaid fees, no other users living at your address will be able to use Library services.