RECYCLABLE MATERIALS - Special surplus collection extended

Émise le

Municipalité amie des enfants Certification


An MAE is a municipality committed to respecting the rights of children. Their views, needs, and priorities are an integral part of public decisions, policies, and programs. In short, it is a municipality who thinks about the children in all its actions.

The purpose of the MAE program is to recognize the achievements and intentions of a municipality regarding the importance given to the child in the development of his service offer.

To date, in Quebec, 52 municipalities and one RCM have qualified for the Municipalité amie des enfants accreditation.

Information: Municipalité amie des enfants (MAE) certification

  • Commitments

    By signing the charter of the MAE, Pincourt undertakes, as part of its responsibilities, to support the implementation of the Convention and to promote the development of projects for children within its municipality.

    The Town of Pincourt has committed to:

    • Include children in its next consultation aimed at setting up a citizen participation action plan. With the help of the Maison de la Famille, we plan to consult the children who attend Pincourt’s three primary schools.

    • Increase its Recreation and Leisure offering for its youth clientele (e.g., science courses, free gym, etc.) and hopes to introduce at least three new courses or activities to meet the needs young people aged 7 to 14.

    • Set up a parents' committee to oversee the offering of activities for stay-at-home parents or those on maternity leave.
