Lifting of precautionary boil-water advisory - Duhamel Area

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Lifting of precautionary boil-water advisory - Avenue Forest

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Minor Derogations

A minor exemption is an established exception procedure authorizing planned work or the regularization of work in progress or that has been completed, which does not comply with all the provisions of the Zoning or Subdivision By-law.

  • Conditions

    An exemption may be granted in the following cases:

    • If the application of the zoning and subdivision by-law would cause serious harm to the applicant.
    • If it would not adversely affect the enjoyment of the property rights of neighbouring propertie owners.
    • If it respects the objectives of the urban development plan.
    • If the work in progress or already completed has been done in good faith and a permit is/was held.
  • Submit an exemption request

    Any owner who would like to deviate from the regulations during the construction or renovation of his building or during a cadastral operation, can submit an application for a exemption.

    Simply fill out the form and return it to

    Form - Application for a minor exemption (PDF)

    Required documents:

    • Completed form
    • Related documents (plans, photographs, expert reports, submissions and other documents necessary for a good understanding of the project)
    • Fees to be paid
  • Minor Exemption Claim Analysis Process
    1. The Urban Planning Department forwards the request to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for analysis at their next meeting.
    2. The PAC will review the application and submit a recommendation to the Town of Pincourt.
    3. The Town of Pincourt will publish a public notice in accordance with Minor Exemption By-law 783.
    4. The Town Council will render its decision, at a meeting, by resolution.
    5. If passed, the Urban Planning Department will issue a subdivision permit, building permit, or certificate of authorization upon payment of the required fee. The application must also comply with any other by-law provisions that are not the subject of the exemption.

    Delay and cost

    The delay for the processing of such an application may vary depending on the availability of the members of the PAC.

    The fee to begin a request for a minor exemption is $350. This fee is non-refundable. If the public notice required by the by-law is published, an amount of $200.00 must be paid to the Town prior to publication of the notice.